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2019届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 陈佩辉《王安石程颐政治哲学比较研究》摘要





关键词:王安石  程颐  政治哲学  仁义  家国论

Abstract: Thispaper argues that the main content of the Confucian political philosophy should include (1) benevolence and righteousness as the core of the Confucian political philosophy; (2) the theory of The Way and the theory of human nature are foundation parts of Confucian political philosophy; (3) the theory of family and state aiming at carrying the benevolence and righteousness out.

On the view of benevolence and righteousness, both Wang Anshi and Cheng Yi fiercely criticize and slightly accept the thought of Yang Zhu and Mo Zi. Between the benevolence and the righteousness, Wang thinks that the benevolence is prior to the latter but the righteousness should be more important than the former and should control it as well. He also interprets righteousness as selflessness. Therefore, he attaches importance to the publicity of selflessness. By contrast, Cheng claims that the benevolence includes the righteousness and interprets benevolence as selflessness. Thus, he gains an insight into the publicity of the benevolence and regards the selflessness as the protective umbrella of private families.

On theory of The Way, Wang thinks the moral value property of The Way is not the substantial one , thus if one could do whatever the morality ask does not mean he could integrate with The Way. While Cheng try to integrate the principle of human and the principle of The Way as one and the same. As a result, if one could do whatever the morality ask does mean he could integrate with The Way. On the theory of human nature, both Wang and Cheng think good is the human nature. The difference is that Wang thinks that the intelligence differences cannot change by human efforts while Cheng claims that everyone could change his or her intelligence if he or she could cultivate his or her virtue. As a result, Wang thinks intelligence is more important than the moral virtue while Cheng hold the opposite view.

On the theory of family and state, Wang organizes the families into the state by the system of prefectures and counties and neighborhood administrative system. In this system, both the imperial family and Civilian families should abide by the righteous law. As a result, the state could effectively develop the economy and lay the material foundation for the realization of the value of righteousness. And this system inevitably limits the monarchical power and politicizes the regulation of families. By contrast, Cheng connect the families and state by extending the clan relations. Thus,the monarch-subject relationship must be the analogue of the parent-child relation. Cheng emphasizes the independence and autonomy of the families because he thinks that if families being regulated, then the state will be rightly governed. Hence, he puts the politics into the track of ethics and feudalizes the system of prefectures and counties. Under such circumstances, the only way to well govern the state is to cultivate the monarch and common people's virtue. On the arguments of righteousness-benefit and benevolent government –forceful government, both Wang and Cheng denounce the forceful government and greed, they also hold the opinion that the righteousness and benefit could be unified and govern the state by benevolent government. The difference is that Wang thinks developing the economy is for the righteousness While Cheng to some extent accepts the forceful government in The Spring and Autumn Annals.

Key Words: Wang Anshi   Cheng Yi   political philosophy   benevolence and righteousness   the theory of family and state


上一篇:2019届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 李毅《从能力、性理到工夫——朱子心论再探》摘要

下一篇:2019届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 施凯文《荀子圣人观研究》摘要
