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2021届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 柳舟《<礼记>德行问题研究》摘要






关键词:儒家哲学  德行  《礼记》

Abstract: This dissertation is based on commentaries of theLiji礼记(the Records of Rites) and early Confucian virtue theory. As a study on virtue theory in theLijithis dissertation focuses on theLiji’s theoretical construction on virtue, explaining its continuity and expansion from traditional Confucian theory and its innovation over it. In addition, apart from theLijitext, the analysis on virtue theory also concern the related narrations in early classical texts, Pre-Qinphilosophy and ancient western ethics, from which we can conduct a more philosophical observation on theLiji’s virtue theory, rather than merely providing a general explanation of it.

Firstly, this dissertation clarifies an antecedent question, which is, how people gain virtue, and answers the question from both nature perspective and nurture perspective. From the perspective of nature, we explore several classical theories of the relationship among human nature, nature and virtue, and analyze the specialization of theLiji’s theory on human nature and its influence on virtue theory. From the perspective of nurture, we analyze how education and learning affect the obtaining of virtue, and the meaning of “rites to educate” and “learning to be virtuous” in theLiji.

Then, this dissertation analyzes theLiji’s main arguments on virtue based on three theoretical rules, specific virtues, theory on theJunzi君子, and the relationship between virtue and social order. From the perspective of specific virtues, theLiji’s progresses over early Confucian lie in three aspects, 1) it discusses these virtues’ practices in specific ritual and ethical situations; 2) it reveals the inner aspect of these virtues; 3) it explores the metaphysical intuition in these virtues. From the perspective of the theory on theJunzi, theLijidiscusses the relationship between virtue and occupation, virtue and rites inJunzi’s virtue practices, and raises new virtues for theJunzi, such as Zhong Yong中庸,Shen Du慎独, etc. From the perspective of the relationship between virtue and order, theLijinot only constructs the continuity within virtue and order in the theoretical level, but also indicates the dilemma in practices. Moreover, from the solution to overcome the dilemma, we can conclude that theLijiand Confucian scholars take priority of virtue and morality over orders and politics.

Finally, this dissertation discusses the contrary to virtue. As Aristotle’s concept of vice is not directly used in traditional Confucian texts, we analyze this question from three aspects, 1) whether the concept of vice could serve as the contrary to virtue in theLijiand Confucian context; 2) the relationship between the order of rites and the contrary to virtue; 3) the theoretical status of the concept of evil in theLijiand early Confucian theories. Based on the analysis above, we can conclude that vice can only serve as the contrary to virtue in the level of practice but cannot be the contrary to virtue in the level of moral rules and inner moral concerns.

To conclude, based on an integrated study on the related narrations in theLiji, early Confucianism, Pre-Qinphilosophy and even ancient western ethics, we can construct a comprehensive theoretical structure of theLiji’s virtue theory, and reveal its innovation on virtue, which serves as a potent replenishment and expansion of early Confucian virtue theory.

Key Words: Confucian Philosophy   Virtue Theory   the Record of Rites


上一篇:2021届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 袭业超《心性与工夫——宋代理学“未发已发”思想研究》摘要

下一篇:2021届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 黄越泓《中日佛教交流视域下的“无情有性”思想研究——以中唐至宋初的天台宗为线索》摘要
