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2010届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 刘蔷《〈天禄琳琅书目〉研究》摘要

摘要: 《钦定天禄琳琅书目》系我国第一部官修善本目录,在著录体例方面多有创见,于清代藏书家讲究版本鉴定、注重善本著录之风气影响深远,直接开启近世版本目录学之兴盛。所著录书,珠玉毕集,大多递藏有序,当时已诧为人间珍秘。然历经二百余载播迁,1093部仅余其半,如今分散于海内外公私藏家。“天禄琳琅”藏书可谓二百年前中国国家藏书之精华,其收集、典藏、利用、散佚的过程,与国家命运相始终,在历代官府藏书中最具典型性。作为清代历史上的重要文化事件,弄清始末源流,研究其丰富的文化内涵,深入探讨《天禄琳琅书目》在中国目录学史、版本学史上的学术地位,对当前开展“中华古籍保护计划”亦具有一定现实意义。






关键词: 《天禄琳琅书目》  版本学  目录学  皇家藏书

A Study of Tianlu Linlang Shumu

Abstract: The Qinding Tianlu Linlang Shumu (Imperially Endorsed Tianlu Linlang Catalogue) was the first Chinese rare book catalogue edited by court officials. It showed great originality in bibliographic style, and it exerted far reaching influence on the serious attention paid to authentication and the emphasis on bibliographic description of rare books by Qing Dynasty book collectors and directly gave rise to modern bibliographic studies. The books described in the Tianlu Linlang Catalogue comprised rare books spanning five dynasties-the Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan and Ming-and were acknowledged as outstanding treasures among humankind. The catalogue of the original collection, destroyed by fire, is referred to as qianbian; the sequel, which sought to replace the contents, is called houbian. With the vicissitudes of the past 200-plus years, only half of the total of 1,093 titles now remains, distributed amongst private and public collections around the world. The Tianlu Linlang library can be regarded as the most important part of the national book collections in eighteenth-century China. What these old and rare books and the national destiny have experienced together, i.e. prosperity during periods of peace and disruption during years of turmoil, is rather typical for official book collections during the imperial era. A systematic study of the rich cultural significance of the Tianlu Linlang Shumu and its important role in Qing history will illuminate how the catalogue fit into the history of Chinese bibliography and the study of editions, and even will have a certain practical significance for the recently launched "Project for the Preservation of Chinese Ancient Books".

This dissertation consists of four chapters.

(I) The story of the imperial Tianlu Linlang library. The first chapter investigates some basic issues, such as the provenance of the books, their special characteristics, the destruction of the library by fire and its rebuilding, the original quantity of books, their custody, use, protection, and ultimately their dispersal and partial loss. Based on contemporary records and other documents, I reinvestigate the suspicious case about how the books in the original Tianlu Linlang Qianbian catalogue perished and try to confirm the facts about the great fire of 1797 at the Qianqing Palace that caused the calamity. I use a variety of material evidence to verify the physical characteristics of the books listed in both catalogues. I provide a full account of the complicated process these books have gone through from the final years of the Qing dynasty and the early decades of the Republican period to the 1950s. Based on a comprehensive investigation, this thesis reveals the current status of the existing Tianlu Linlang books and identifies the whereabouts of the dispersed volumes. It has been determined that 90% of the contents of the Qinding Tianlu Linlang Shumu Houbian (Sequel to the Imperially Endorsed Tianlu Linlang Catalogue) are still extant. All of the above are evidence of the pioneering researches to be found in this thesis.

(II) The compilation of the Tianlu Linlang Catalogue. Chapter two deals with the compilation of the catalogue, qianbian and houbian,including the historical background and the procedure of cataloging. I also deal with the special case of rare books that were not included in the catalogue. All these books carried the usual imperial seals, and I suggest reasons for their being excluded during the cataloging process. I investigate the contributions of Yu Minzhong, Peng Yuanrui and other officials in charge of compilation, as well as look into the Qianlong Emperor's view of rare books and their use as reflected in the catalogue. The clues from miscellaneous books and writings, including surviving court documents point to plans to compile parts three and four of the Tianlu Linlang Catalogue. Finally, I describe the different existing editions of the catalogue in three categories: manuscripts, printed editions (xylographic and typographic), and annotated copies.

(III) The style of the Tianlu Linlang Catalogue and its influence. In this chapter I provide an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of four major aspects of the catalogue: arrangement of contents, catalogue records, classification, and book selection. Furthermore, I examine the influence of Tianlu Linlang Shumu on contemporary and later public and private rare book catalogues in three respects: the style of compiling, the form of the catalogue, and the central thought of placing great emphasis on connoisseurship.

(IV) The achievements of the Tianlu Linlang Catalogue in the study of editions. As a catalogue of editions, the Tianlu Linlang Shumu includes nearly all the elements of edition study, from bibliographical description to explaining the style of ancient editions in different dynasties to methods for authenticating editions and identifying counterfeit editions made by unscrupulous book dealers, and even to discussing the transmission of editions. In breadth and depth it has achieved unprecedented results in the way it has enriched bibliographic studies. My summing up and analyzing of the authentication errors in the catalogue is based on a comparative edition evaluation of the extant books. After a statistical study, it is my conclusion that the authentication errors amount to one-third of the Tianlu Linlang Shumu Houbian titles, and in the section of Song and Yuan editions they are nearly two-thirds. Finally, I explain the reasons for the mistakes from both subjective and objective factors, and I objectively evaluate the scholarly position of the catalogue.

Key Words: Tianlu Linlang Shumu    study of editions    bibliography    imperial book collections


上一篇:2010届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 代超《周海门哲学思想研究》摘要

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