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2016届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 安文研《苏轼思想研究》摘要







关键词:道  性  虚明  诚明  儒道互补

Abstract: This thesis intends to reconstruct the system of Su Shi's thought by the conceptualist approach, and outlines Su Shi's study of the Confucian classics.

 As a whole, the Thought of Su Shi can be characterized as the dualism of Confucianism and Daoism, in which the dominant Confucian thought is complemented by the Daoist insights.

 Su Shi articulates his metaphysics in his study of the Book of Change (Yijing). He defines two stages of Dao: the stage of One before the genesis of the world and natural things; the stage of embodied Dao, in which Yin and Yang mix together, and thus give birth to corporeal things and life. The Qi(air), Xiang (figure) and Xing (shape) of Yin and Yang belong to the physical world which comes into being at the second stage. Su Shi's division of Dao develops Lao Tze's metaphysical conception of "Being out of Nothing".

Su Shi understands Xing (nature) also in terms of dualism: (1) the nature of essence, which represents the perfect state of humanity; (2) the psychological division of property(Xing)-passions-desires, which work together to produce the contrast between Good and Evil. Su Shi's theory of Xing bridges his metaphysical theory of Dao which combining the Confucian and the Daoist conceptions, and the practical philosophy mainly drawn from the Confucian classics.

 In the field of virtue and spiritual exercise, Su Shi's pursuit is inspired by the Daoist conception of Xu &Ming and the Buddhist practice of meditation. Thus in this field the Confucian, the Daoist, the Buddhist convalesce into the thought of Su Shi.

The political thought of Su Shi centers around the double axis of the Emperor and the World (Tianxia). Su Shi defines the role of the Emperor in term of Huangji on the one hand, and the role of the people with the theory of Minben. Su Shi stresses the Confucian theory of virtue is indispensable for the regulation of political activities. He seldom cited the Daoist thought in the field of politics.

Su Shi accomplishes remarkably in his study of the Confucian classics. His commentaries on The Book of Change and The Book of Ancient Documents, though not lengthy, are full of provocative insights, and occupy the irreplaceable position in the relevant traditions.

Key Words: Dao   Humanity   Xu&Ming   Cheng&Ming   Dualism of Confucianism and Daoism


上一篇:2016届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 李瑛《蕅益智旭〈论语点睛〉研究》摘要

下一篇:2015届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 金汝珍《荀子礼法合治思想研究》摘要
