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2011届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 冯一鸣《西汉用〈诗〉研究》摘要



第二章论述西汉前期汉高祖到汉景帝这一阶段的用《诗》,这是西汉经济文化复苏、儒学尚未成为主流的阶段。帝王诏书引《诗》仅见一例,上疏引《诗》亦不多见,是由朝廷不重视儒学的状况决定的。而学者著述用《诗》则呈现多样自由的发展。其中《韩诗外传》和《毛传》属阐释型用《诗》,在解《诗》目的下有意进行偏离诗篇本意的发挥;《新语》、《新书》、《淮南子》都以引《诗》为主。《新书》引《诗》反映了《诗》是教化之具的用《诗》观,引《诗》多用来支持礼制、德治的政治思想。《淮南子》称《诗》表 现出对《诗》的批评和贬低,但书中又有多处引《诗》支持论点,反映出兼容儒、道的驳杂思想状况。




关键词: 用《诗》  引《诗》  西汉《诗经》学  通经致用


Research on Applications of the Book of Poetry during the Western Han Dynasty

Abstract: The exordium explains the signification of applications of The Book of Poetry, and introduces the dissertation which expatiates the topic and research approach.

Chapter one focuses on the Pre-Qin Period. In this period, applications of The Book of Poetry have two basic methods: "yin pi lian lei" and "duan zhang qu yi", which are going to influence applications of Poetry during Han Dynasty. Furthermore, there are some influential conceptions about applications of Poetry:"si wu xie" by Confucius, "shi zai wang dao" by Mencius, "the demotion of Shi and Shu" by Xun Zi.

Chapter two focuses on the period from Hangaozu to Hanjingdi. In this period, economy and civilization have been developing, but Confucianism has not become the dominant ideology. In this period, quotations from Poetry in monarchs' rescripts or ministers' dissuasions is minority. Oppositely, some scholars' books have abundant applications of Poetry. For instance, "Xin Yu" by Lu Jia, "Xin Shu" by Jia Yi, "Han Shi Wai Zhuan" by Han Ying, "Huai Nan Zi" by Liu An. They quote from The Book of Poetry to support their points and ideology.

Chapter three focuses on the period from Hanwudi to Hanxuandi. In this period, Han dynasty's economy, civilization, politics, and military affairs get a prime time. Confucianism has been becoming the dominant ideology. Quotations from Poetry in monarchs' rescripts or ministers' dissuasions become more and have a higher frequency. These applications have close connection to the dynasty's politic affairs. There are also some scholars' books having applications of Poetry. These are "Chun Qiu Fan Lu" by Dong Zhongshu, "Shi Ji" by "Sima Qian", and "Yan Tie Lun". They quote from The Poetry to discuss politics, economic, martial issues.

Chapter four focuses on the period from Hanyuandi to the end of Western Han Dynasty. In this period, Han Dynasty's dominion is waning, and is overthrown by relatives of emperor on the side of his mother or wife. Ministers remonstrate against these relatives by quoting from Poetry frequently. There are also some scholars' books having applications of Poetry. These are "Xin Xu", "Shuo Yuan" and "Lie Nv Zhuan" by Liu Xiang, "Yi Lin" by Cui Zhuan.

Applications of the Book of Poetry during the Western Han Dynasty have close connection to the dynasty's politic affairs, economy, civilization, and social problems. The Book of Poetry have been applied as an available reference, which contains grand moral standard.

Key Words: Applications of the Book of Poetry   Quoting from Poetry   study of Poetry in Han Dynasty   the Western Han Dynasty   Tong-Jing-Zhi-Yong



上一篇:2011届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 谭忠诚《郭店楚简与孔孟之道》摘要

下一篇:2010届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 张丽娟《宋代经书注疏刊刻研究》摘要
