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2013届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 徐真瑛《张星曜天儒关系论研究》摘要









关键词:明清天主教  张星曜  天教明辨  天儒同异考  天儒关系


Abstract: One of the problems in the study of Christianity in late Ming and early Qing China is Chinese Christians' understanding of Christian doctrine and their views on the relationship between Christianity and Confucianism. Zhang Xingyao(1633-after 1715)'s life and works are important in understanding this problem. There has been relatively little study, however, of Zhang's life and thought because of limited access to his major work, Tianjiaomingbian. This thesis examines Zhang Xingyao's life and his comparative study of Christianity and Confucianism.

Chapter 1 explores how Zhang's search for answers to the questions about life, death and sin led to his conversion to Christianity at age 46 in the midst of strong opposition to Christianity among literati. His relationships with missionaries and Chinese Christians are also discussed.

Chapter 2 introduces Zhang's two major works, Tianjiaomingbian and Tianrutongyikao, and discusses his purpose of writing, their framework, content, sources, literary style and significance for Christianity in China. In Tianjiaomingbian, Zhang collected a great amount of writings of both missionaries and Chinese Christians and compiled them into a systematic and comprehensive work of 20 volumes. Zhang summarized it in a concise comparative study of Christianity and Confucianism under the title Tianrutongyikao. These are significant accomplishments in the history of Christianity in China.

 Chapter 3, 4 and 5 discuss Zhang's comparative study of Christianity and Confucianism in accordance with three parts of Tianrutongyikao: "Christianity agrees with Confucianism," "Christianity completes Confucianism" and "Christianity transcends Confucianism."

Chapter 3 examines the purpose, basis, meaning and significance of Zhang's claim that "Christianity agrees with Confucianism", and how Zhang's understanding of God as the Creator of all things is fundamental to his views on the Christianity's relationship to Confucianism, neo-Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism.

 Chapter 4 discusses some of Zhang's thoughts on how "Christianity completes Confucianism", examining Zhang's discussions on the ways in which Confucianism has digressed from Confucius' teaching, how the concept of "Shangdi" or "Heaven" has changed, and how the state of Chinese religion and philosophy as shown in widespread worship of numerous natural objects and gods is related to that change. It also examines Zhang's discussions of monogamy as one of the important reasons why Christianity completes Confucianism.

Chapter 5 examines Zhang's claim that "Christianity transcends Confucianism". According to Zhang, the fundamental difference between Christianity and Confucianism, lies in the fact that Confucius is a man, but Jesus is the Lord of Heaven. This chapter examines Zhang's understanding of Christology. Other topics discussed include Zhang's emphasis on life in heaven over life on earth, and his views on teaching of women.

In conclusion, the significance of Zhang Xingyao's life and works are discussed in relation to history of Christianity in China and history of Chinese thought and religion.

Key Words: Christianity in China   Ming Qing dynasty   Zhang Xingyao   Christianity and Confucianism   Comparative study   Tianjiaomingbian   Tianrutongyikao


上一篇:2014届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 王传龙《阳明心学流衍考》摘要

下一篇:2013届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 俞菁慧《王安石之“经术政治”与熙宁变法——以〈周礼〉经世为中心 》摘要
