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2009届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 沈莹莹《阮元〈揅经室集〉研究》摘要





最后是对《揅经室外集》的研究。《揅经室外集》是目录学史上一部重要的著作,文章由分析《外集》的成书,论述了阮元在《外集》中所起的主导作用;系统地分析了《外集》以《四库全书总目提要》为标准的提要模式,又突出了《外集》在版本的著录上长于《四库提要》,并概括了《外集》版本著录的要点;从目录学的角度分析了《外集》的不足及其后的补订工作,指出了傅以礼的《经进书目》和胡玉缙的《四库未收书目提要补正》是研究《外集》必不可少的工具书; 《宛委别藏》被发现后,学者据其研究《外集》,指出早于《外集》的提要摺片是研究《外集》的最原始的资料。

关键词: 阮元  《揅经室集》  小学  目录学

Research on Ruan Yuan Yanjingshi Collection

Abstract: My dissertation makes reference to the results of the previous research on the Yanjingshi Collection and is divided into six chapters.

The paper reviews the research on Ruanyuan at home and abroad since 1900 and provides the outline of my dissertation.

The paper concerns the various editions of Yanjingshi ollection. On the analysis of different editions and the time when they were completed and the relationship among them, I pointed out that the Original Four Series, as well as the Extra Series, were published in two versions. After the investigation, I come to the conclusion that the Seven Series consisting of 63 volumes is the best version.

Then the paper introduces the versions of Yanjingshi Collection before The Original Four Series and the main points of the first sequel and the second sequel of Yanjingshi Collection. Then I discuss the relationship of the Original Four Series with Four Categories Theory and Wenbi Theory. I also introduce the general content of each volume. As sons of Ruan Yuanzi, Ruan Changsheng, Ruan Fu and Ruan Hu all made contribution to the compling of the firt sequel, which was compiled twice. The second sequel varied from four volumes to six volumes and ultimately to seven volumes. I discuss the difference between them.

The paper focuses on the part of Yanjingshi Collection on lingusitic study, which reflects Ruan Yuan's comprehensive idea about scripts, phonology and exegesis. His research emphasizes the original meanings of words based on Shuo Wen and the studies of ancient words found on stones or bronze; he is good at using the results of Contemporary Phonology and finds the meanings and Jia Jie relationship from the clues of the words' pronunciations; he tendends to explore the source of language. Ruan Yuan interprets the meanings of the words according to the contexts mainly from Confucianism he knows well. That occasionally leads to some small mistakes.

In the end the paper involves the extra Series of Yanjingshi Collection, the significant works in the history of bibliography. I point out the leading role played by Ruan Yuan in the edition and systematically analyze the abstract style inherited from SiKuQuanShu and the reason why it is better than that of SiKuQuanShu. Besides, I provide the main points of the contents of Extra Series. However, the Extra Series has some drawbacks from the perspective of bibliography. Many works afterwards made up for those weak points including Fu Yili's Jing Jin Shu Mu and Hu Yujin's Si Ku Wei Shou Shu Mu Ti Yao Bu Zheng. At last, many scholars hold the view that Yuan Wei Bie Cang is the earliest material for the research on Extra Series.

Key Words: Ruan Yuan   Yanjingshi Collection   Linguistics   Bibliography


上一篇:2009届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 王丰先《康熙朝御纂诸经编纂研究》摘要

下一篇:2009届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 徐强《帛书〈易传〉解〈易〉思想研究——以意义生成的诠释结构为视角》摘要
