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2012届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 刘黛《王弼〈周易略例〉与〈周易注〉对照研究》摘要




关键词:王弼  周易略例  周易注  正始玄学  正始名士

Study on Wang Bi's Book of Zhou Yi Lve Li: Together with Zhou Yi Zhu

Abstract:Be different from Zhou Yi's study in the Han dynasty, Wang Bi use the book of Zhou Yi to talk about philosophy, but not to augur. His study of Zhou Yi is an important part of Xuan Xue and made the start of philosophical orientation of Zhou Yi's study. The paper focus on the two books, Zhou Yi Lve Li and Zhou Yi Zhu of Wang Bi, which shows his thoughts of how to explain the 64-Gua, and how he mad Zhou Yi a part of Xuan Xue in the Wei and Jin dynasties.

Before the detailed analysis of texts, we should first come to the academic background of Xuan Xue in the decade named Zheng Shi and the complex psychology and political behavior of the philosophers in that time including Wang Bi. The first two chapters deal with these questions and put Wang Bi's study of Zhou Yi in Xuan Xue to see its position in the whole academic circle of his time.

From the third to the last chapter, we make a detailed study of the two books. Zhou Yi Lve Li summarizes Wang Bi's thinking of the rules of reading the 64-Gua and tells his main philosophical thoughts about it, while Zhou Yi Zhu explains each Gua with these rules and thoughts. So it's a good way to put the two books together and see how the rules and thoughts have been materialized by the explanation of 64-Gua, and make the rules and thoughts clear by the support of each Gua's explanation. A scholar named Xing Shu of Tang dynasty has tried to explain each sentence in Zhou Yi Lve Li by giving an example in Zhou Yi Zhu and analyzing it. But he hasn't made a full collection of examples, and by now this kind of work hasn't been done in the academic circle. This paper would try to finish this work and in the same time deals with the questions of the relationship between Wang Bi's study and the early explanations of Yi Zhuan, the relationship between Wang Bi's thoughts and the thoughts of the scholars in Han dynasty, and the question of how he takes the philosophy of the Tao group into Zhou Yi.

Key Words:Wang Bi   Zhou Yi Lve Li   Zhou Yi Zhu   Xuan Xue in the years of Zheng Shi   Philosophers in the years of Zheng Shi



上一篇:2012届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 鲁鹏一《回归与转化——王船山〈张子正蒙注〉研究》摘要

下一篇:2012届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 杨浩《朱子〈四书章句集注〉的解释与建构》摘要
