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2017届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 吕明烜《晚清民初的〈王制〉学研究》摘要





关键词:《王制》  廖平  康有为  通经致用

Abstract:Known for its grand vision and unique language, the WangZhi in the Book of Rites fueled scholarly discussions on the function and teleology of the Confucian Classics in history. In late Qing, with the rise of the modern Confucian Classics as a new discourse, WangZhi became ever more central to the discourse of Confucian Classics as a whole.

Liao Ping and Kung Youwei-renowned scholars of their day-made significant contributions to the study of WangZhi. In using WangZhi to restructure the entire discourse of Confucian Classics, Liao Ping made a series of moves to build his own meta-discourse based on this text in order to arrive at an understanding of historicity. The first move was to go beyond the paradigmatic discourse of the Confucian Classics laid in the Eastern Han Dynasty and bring the discourse of modern Confucian classics into equal footing. The second move was to mete out the specificities of the notions such as "order" and "reform" and use WangZhi as a base text to govern the Six Classics in his meta-discourse. The third move was to use WangZhi as a blueprint text to envision a local order for China and a global order for the world. Needless to say, Liao Ping played a pivotal role in bringing the discourse of modern Confucian Classics to life.

For Kung Youwei, WangZhi justified and legitimated the Reform on the one hand and proved inspiring for the institution-building under the Reform on the other. While Kung worked tirelessly to promote WangZhi to further his Reformative cause, his student Cheng Dazhang tethered WangZhi to Kung's political vision. For Cheng, WangZhi was not only a symbol but also a reference for the Reform.

Both Liao Ping and Kung Youwei brought WangZhi to bear on some of the thorniest issues of their time. While Liao saw WangZhi as the central locus of the discourse of the Confucian Classics, Kung Youwei found justification for the Reform in it. In spite of this difference, both Liao and Kung greatly challenged the establishment and spurred considerable controversies. One group of scholars, unlike Liao and Kung, hoped to steer the discourse of modern Confucian Classics to a less politicized route; another group of scholars found their approaches too speculative and therefore troublesome. What all these scholars did, as a result, was to bring WangZhi into an evidentialist philology and bury once more the potentialities rediscovered by Liao and Kung. What we can retrieve and learn from WangZhi today, however, is precisely these potentialities Liao and Kung illuminated when they mobilized WangZhi to respond to the problems and issues of their own time.

Key Words:WangZhi   Liao Ping   Kung Youwei   The use of Confucian Classics


上一篇:2017届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 王涵《刘智“会通伊儒”思想研究》摘要

下一篇:2017届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 吕东超《〈春秋左传诂〉研究》摘要
