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2016届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 胡士颍《〈阿毘达摩俱舍论〉之有情论哲学》摘要







关键词:《俱舍论》  有情  身心问题  身体观


Abstract:Abhidharmakosa teems with deep meaning and aim. The traditional research on it focuses on its law phase system, the meaning of theory and factions of the dispute. The thesis puts emphasis on the content of the theory of "sattva" and its philosophical thoughts from the psychological and physical view.

The thesis investigates the concept of sattva in Abhidharmakosa though the etymological research and analysis of the meaning of words, defines the scope and object of the paper and then reveals the meaning of "sattva is a fundamental question".

Cosmism and concept of sattva. The cosmic structure and running model of Abhidharmakosa are full of observation, experience and value concern about the world of experience. However, it is still a kind of interpretation from the perspective of sattva, taking the problem and the meaning of life as the center, presenting its derivation process, morphology, life style, birth and reincarnation and so on. It indicates that sattva is the most important participant in the world, and its "body" is a rich and complex "living body" liable to make accomplishments, be trapped in and freed from reincarnation.

Theory of origin and psychosomatic structure. Abhidharmakosa's "four fundamental elements" theory and the theory of dvasatya are built on the basis of primitive Buddhism, but it is more perfect with primitive thoughts. From the four fundamental elements, primitive Buddhism analyzes sattva's body and forms the concept of the body taking "body destroyed" and "body correction as the core, selecting the cognitive method of the body by understanding the Sarvastivadin and Sautratika. "Five aggregates" thought reflects the deep analysis and thinking of sattva's psychosomatic structure. It also implies isomorphism and "non-two" purport of the "five aggregates", and reflects the contradiction and complexity of the psychosomatic theory with the tendency of consciousness taking mind, and the body separating it.

Dyeing-purifying theory, "without-me" theory and the method of correcting. Abhidharmakosa considers that the visible body hinders the mind, and the mind is contaminated as well as pure. It puts forward a more thorough study of the metaphysical meaning of the mind after showing the mind by the way of "consciousness taking mind". Origin, karma and causation further demonstrate the "without-me" theory, highlights the roots of painful life of sattva born with "ignorance" and protrudes the core of karma's "thinking", on which to present the cure method to be freed form spirit annoyance and mind trouble.

In short, despite that Abhidharmakosa is negative to the body, it also gives deep connotation to "body" with multidimensional characters and the complexity of the meaning. It indicates that "body" is not only "present", but also obvious. All the sattvas can use their unique form of body to co-exist and interact with each other, and, at the same time, understand and generate to achieve transcendence and no leakage of the "body".

Key Words: Abhidharmakosa   Sattva   Psychosomatic problem   Body



上一篇:2016届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 黄靖雅《极高明而道中庸——〈尚书〉天人观研究〉》摘要

下一篇:2016届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 朱雯《1644年的文人与诗歌》摘要
