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2020届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 徐志超《〈宋史•艺文志〉考异》摘要



关键词: 《宋史·艺文志》  考异  目录学

Abstract: This paper is a collation study on the historical catalog books (shizhi mulu). The research object is the History of Song Dynasty, Bibliography (Songshi yiwenzhi) (hereinafter referred to as "Songzhi"). The research consists three stages: firstly, a comprehensive comparison of Songzhi and other related catalog works such as Suishu jingjizhi, Jiutangshu jingjizhi, Xintangshu yiwenzhi, Chongwen zongmu, Tongzhi yiwenlue, Suichutang shumu, Junzhai dushuzhi, Zhizhai shulu jieti, Yuhai, Wenxian tongkao to identify and categorize errors and textual differences; secondly, analyze and demonstrate the results based on historical records; finally, induction and summarization.

This study is groundbreaking in the following perspectives. Firstly, the composing process and value of Songzhi have been further explored. For example, the research finds out that the compilation of Songzhi is firstly a simple combination of three volumes of Guoshi zhi, a book that details book collection in Beisong Dynasty, and then the redundant parts identified during comparison to Zhongxing zhi were deleted. This finding corrects the previous belief that Songzhi is fundamentally based on Zhongxing guoshi yiwenzhi, and supplemented by Guoshi zhi. Secondly, based on Songzhi, the research did a textual analysis of most catalog literature prior to and including Yuan Dynasty, discovered hundreds of textual differences, most of which overlooked by scholars previously; even for those mentioned before, the research proposes new perspective, enhances the discussion and includes new supporting evidence. The research also sheds light on later scholarly literature and scholarly dispute regarding Songzhi. Thirdly, the combined effects of Songzhi's catalog arrangement form and its typography in various printing versions are explored, and the research examined multiple entries with missing authors. Forth, a more in-depth exploration of the entry repetition in Songzhi leads to many undiscovered repeated entries.

Key Words: Songzhi yiwenzhi   textual criticism    bibliography


上一篇:2020届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 张倩茹《明代正德、嘉靖时期的朱子学与朱子学者》摘要

下一篇:2020届“儒家思想与儒家经典”方向博士生 吴瑶《关、洛“知”论研究 》摘要
